Econet Wireless Zimbabwe Board Appointment Announcement

April 5, 2022|

The Board of Econet Wireless Zimbabwe Limited is pleased to announce the appointment of Miss Elizabeth Tanya Masiyiwa to the Board of Econet Wireless Zimbabwe Limited. The appointment is with effect from 1 April 2022.

Miss Masiyiwa is a senior executive, social entrepreneur and philanthropist. She serves on a number of Boards including Higherlife Foundation where she is the Head of Design and Innovation and the Harvard University Leadership Council for the Centre of African Studies. Miss Masiyiwa holds BSc (Hons) degree in Banking and International Finance from Bayes Business School, City University London, a Masters of Social Entrepreneurship from Hult International Business School and is currently completing the Executive MBA from Cambridge Judge Business School, Cambridge University. She has worked in various organizations, spearheading the investment and funding programmes as well as the human capital development of those organisations. She currently holds a number of leadership positions in both local and international organisations. Miss Masiyiwa brings a wealth of experience to the Board.

By order of the Board

C.A. Banda
Group Company Secretary

4 April 2022

Dr. J. Myers (Chairman)*, Mr. R. Chimanikire, Dr. J. Chimhanzi*, Mr. M. Edge*, Mr. M. Gasela*, Mr. G. Gomwe*, Dr. D. Mboweni, Ms. B. Mtetwa*, Ms T. Moyo*, Mr. H. Pemhiwa*. *Non Executive

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Econet Park, 2 Old Mutare Road, Msasa, Harare, Zimbabwe. E-mail: [email protected] Website:

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